David Mattey has traded from his Arundel high street store for seven years . Prior to this David acted as regional buyer and valuer for the bond street jewellers “Barns” David has handled most brands of Gentleman’s luxury wrist watches and is well versed in the collectors antique jewellery market . By electing to sell directly to a dedicated professional you might just be making the correct decision. Traditionally Auctioneers were the first port of call for those wishing to sell Antiques .

Today with access to information at everybody’s fingertips, who really needs an auctioneer ? After all by charging both the seller and buyer you will loose half of the pie !.. Yes commission charged to the seller and buyer coupled with VAT equates to 50% of the total figure paid being lost .

David Mattey has investors and collectors waiting for gold ,diamond and gem set jewellery . Why not contact David today and receive a free consultation .. There is never any pressure for you to sell to us, or to anybody else for that matter . David Mattey will inspect what you have and provide informed decisions and cash offers .