David Mattey is the proprietor of Arundel Antiques Buyers.com which is a store based website in Arundel High Street .David is still buying even now when the epidemic has closed stores for selling . You can still obtain a respectable price from a man who values his local reputation .

David is likely to pay you a better price for your precious jewellery than other offers you may have received locally or prices suggested by auctioneers .

The unique location of David’s shop means that it attracts diverse investors who buy items out of a love of their history and craftsmanship.

Most traders will only offer you a proportion of the the metal or gem stone values .

Typically Couples who might work during the year visit Arundel in an receptive holyday frame of mind .

When they are together they are susceptible to buying random pieces of antique and pre loved jewellery ..

Our investors might ordinarily shy away from visiting high street jewellers yet they find the relaxed atmosphere of our store somewhere they are happy to chat about their collecting interests.

David has been an active buyer for a Bond street jewellers over a period of years and has handled tens of thousands of pounds worth of jewellery, silver and Bijouterie . David welcomes the opportunity of providing offers without any expectations of buying on the day. Sellers deserve the freedom to acquire several quotations especially when dealing with Family heirlooms . Be warned however Auctioneers will take a cut from both buyer and seller thus distancing the seller by about 50% of what the buyers pays in total. The temptation to over estimate in order to take charge of your gems must also be taken into account . As a dedicated a professional David believes he can provide the best overall service which involves immediate payment and discretion and research when necessary..

Offers /Valuations are provided without charge . Payment of significant sums of money are best conducted via bank to bank transfer . Pease call David Mattey today for an informal conversation relating to the valuation of all Antiques and Jewellery.

Prior appointments are preferred however casual visitors are always welcomed